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Advantages of Scalable Vector Graphics or SVG
475 Words|2795 Characters
Reading Time
3 minutes

Advantages of Scalable Vector Graphics or SVG.

SVG is the most popular graphic extension for website designers in nowadays. You can do a lot more things as compared to the common raster graphic files like jpeg or png. As per its name Scalable, you can enlarge or reduce it to any size you want without losing the base quality. You also can change the color, animate and many more things with ease. So let's make a list of why this is so popular among the designers. Many ways… Read More…

bootstrap framework is a good choice or not?
546 Words|3141 Characters
Reading Time
4 minutes

Bootstrap framework is a good choice or not?

Before deciding any conclusion you need to know the merits and demerits of this framework. The bootstrap framework overall is good, but it also has some drawbacks. We will first discuss about the deficiencies and after that, we will cognize the strongpoints. So let's begin. Low resolution of max width in full screen view Bootstrap CSS container's max width is 1140px. Which is very small according to nowadays screen size. The screen size of a normal wide screen monitor is 1920… Read More…

why you should not make a free website?
602 Words|3436 Characters
Reading Time
4 minutes

Why you should not make a Free Website?

First of all, you need to know that nothing is free in web development. Neither the webserver, hardware, software is free nor the domain and maintenance. For all these services you have to pay every month or year according to the billing policy of the service provider. It sounds good to hear that "Free Website". But in reality, nothing is free. So now, the question comes that if this is all paid then how and why somebody gives you a free… Read More…